
Sunday, 5 January 2014

2014 New Year Resolutions

I know I'm a little late in doing this because it's supposed to be posted on the first day of the year and it's, like, 4 days after new year, I think? Gah, I can't be bothered to look at the calendar (I forget my dates too easily...-_-).

Anyhoo, here are my 2014 resolutions!

1. Read 100 books.

I'll be very busy this year so I'm unlikely to have much time for reading. If I'm free the whole day and based on my reading pace, I could've finished a couple of books. However, anticipating the wrath of secondary school teachers, I could be dump with truck loads of homework each day. La joy.

There's no joy in doing homework...

2. Have at least 10 followers.

If you're planning to have a blog with followers, 10 is NOT a target you should set. Unless you're a pessimistic old hag like me who thinks she'll never EVAH get 10 followers...

3. Write at least 2 reviews a week

This'll be quite an achievement because if I use the computer twice a week during school term, I'll most likely can yelled at to do my homework, practise my instruments-- whatever Asian parents like to do.

4. Comment frequently on blogs

I think I'll be able to do this. I've got my phone and since it's a pretty small object, I can just sneak it into the bathroom and use it without anyone knowing!!

5. Participate in memes

I'm currently participating in the Waiting on Wednesday meme and there are a few others I've got in my mine that I'm contemplating.

And that's it! It's very little compared to other bloggers' resolutions but eh, I'm not really the kind to do resolutions so *shrugs* yeah.


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